Lieu : Séville
Date : 19-23 November 2012
The seminar/workshop « International Advanced Training on SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY » was held in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros of the University of Seville from 19 to 23 November 2012. It was promoted and funded within the framework of the activities of the InterAcademic Group for Development (GID, Paris) the Euro Mediterranean Academic Network (EMAN), and organized by the Advanced Technology Centre for Renewable Energies (CTAER) and the Academy of Sciences and Techniques Hassan II of Morocco. The coordinators of the seminar, who have been selected from the northern and southern rims of the Mediterranean, were:
- Prof. Valeriano Ruiz Hernández , Escuela Superior de Ingenieros (High School of Engineering), Seville, Spain.
- Prof. Mahfoud Ziyad, University Mohammed V Agdal, Rabat, Morocco.
Both are members of the Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology (Rabat, Morocco).
Attendees came from various countries of the southern and northern shores of the Mediterranean (Morocco, Portugal, Egypt, France, Italy, Serbia, Malta, Spain).
The planned site visits to the solar facilities of Abengoa (Solucar, in Sanlucar la Mayor) and Torresol Energy (Gemasolar, in Fuentes de Andalucía) were carried out. Participants could experience the normal operation of two of the most developed types: the central tower and parabolic trough. It just so happened that the day was sunny thus allowing us to see the plants in operation. The comments and explanations of the persons conducting the visits were also of great interest and highly appreciated by the attendees.
Main issues
- Overview of the energy issue in relation to climate change and its realization in the case of solar energy, by Prof. M. Collares Pereira.
- Review in sufficient depth of the specific technologies:
- Parabolic trough, explained by Dr. E. Zarza
- Linear Fresnel reflectors, presented by the engineer Mr. J.R. Rothe
- Central receiver plants (central tower), explained by the engineer Mr. J.P. Nuñez Botello
- Dish/Stirling Systems, presented by the engineer Mr. W. Reinalter
- Other issues of interest in the sector:
- The solar resource, by Dr. M. Silva Perez
- Thermal storage, by the engineer Mr. J. I. Burgaleta
- hybridization with biomass, by Mr. Morell
- Integration into the electricity grid, by Mr. Pasero
- Overview of the international R&D and implementation, by Dr. M. Blanco and Dr. L. Crespo.
- Companies’ experience in the development/promotion and management, by the engineer Mrs. G. Alonso
- Environmental aspects, by Prof. F. Fabrizi
- Actual issues in the construction, operation and maintenance of power plants:
- Construction, by Mr. G. Verges
- Operation, by Mrs. P. Menéndez
- Maintenance, by Mr. J.M. Nieto.
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